Safeguarding and Mental Health in Youth Work – DBYN

DBYN’s project – Safeguarding and Mental Health in Youth Work.  This training course emphasized on these topics – Human Rights, Safeguarding, and Mental Health, we touched the harsh reality of intense fatigue within Salesian realities, and what we can do to protect others whilst working to improve our participants’ quality of life. Our last formation sessions included the design of a project which we intend to implement in our reality, in order to cushion the harmful impacts of a certain problems we face at our realities/youth centers.
The group was comprised of 25 individuals, from 10 different nationalities. These numbers speak volumes about the level of interculturality present amongst us, hence, allowing us the opportunity to learn about different perspectives, practices, and everyday living of societies incomparable to ours. Malta, as it is very often, was the smallest country present, by area, hence, it was a humbling experience to share opinions with individuals who come from countries of several millions. Aidan Pirotta

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